Game Guide

Arguably, the most popular of board games, gamerisms believes that chess games should also be categorized as strategy games.

Board skill games use a central tool to track a player's status and progress. All board games maintain turn-based play in that one player's move/strategy is followed by their opponents' move/strategy. Players can only move at their turn.

Part 1 of this guide includes history of the game, rules and play, description of chess pieces and a chessboard position graphic.

Chess Game Pieces

Click on one of the Chess pieces below to read more about it.


The king moves in a chess game to any square adjoining his own, not occupied by another piece. The king is banned from moving to a square where he is exposed to capture and cannot occupy any square next to the opposing king. In moving the king to a square occupied by a hostile man, the player captures that piece. In certain cases, the king and the castle move at the same time. That move is called castling.


The queen may make any chess game move that a rook or bishop is able to make.


The rook moves from its square on to any other square in the same rank provided it does not bump into any barriers according to chess game rules.


The bishop moves from his square to any other square in his diagonal provided he does not bump into any barriers according to chess game rules.


The Knight moves on to any square not occupied by a man of its color that it can reach by proceeding in any direction two squares on its rank or file and one square at right angles thereto. If a square within reach, according to games rules, is occupied by a hostile man, the Knight may capture that man by placing itself on that square. Therefore, the Knight always moves to a square of the other colour.


The pawn moves one-step forward, except in its initial position, when it may move one or two steps forward. If the square in front of the pawn is taken, the Pawn is blocked, and cannot move forward at all until the barrier has been removed. The Pawn captures a hostile man placed one-step diagonally forward. This rule is modified by the capture, also known as en-passant or in passing.

If when a Pawn is moving two steps from its initial position, passes an enemy Pawn standing on its own fifth rank, on either of the next adjoining files, the latter Pawn, if desired, has the right to capture the hostile Pawn en-passant. That capture or en-passant is done in the same way as if the hostile Pawn had moved only one-step.

Additionally, when a Pawn by any route has reached the eighth rank of the board, this chess game piece ceases to be a Pawn. At that time, it has to be changed into any piece of its own colour, except the King. This chess game rule holds true even when a piece should have to be supplied from another box.

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A Brief History of Chess

Chess is a game whose roots cover centuries of history. Chess was played in the 18th century in central Asia, and its popularity spread from east to west.

Currently, chess games and tournaments are played online, on mobile phones and at live events worldwide incorporating small changes made over time to improve the game's playability. Additionally, China and Japan have their own chess versions creating a worldwide sensation.

Chess became so popular that other games took second place during the middle ages. It's not certain if chess was invented by one or more people, but warfare was a likely reason for its development.

There are many collectors and collections worldwide and some chess sets are displayed in the museums of London, Paris, Florence and various US locations. Chess sets have been created from wood, ivory, walrus, silver, gold, porcelain, bronze, and iron. The popularity of chess is definitely here to stay.

Chess Rules & Game Play

To learn Chess is to respect the game, not just for its history, but also as a skill game to challenge the brain. The game of chess originated from warfare. During history, two armies that opposed each other took up their positions in nearly straight lines, separated by the battlefield.

A General would outline his plans by positions and indicate the movements of soldiers. Thus, military games such as chess, were created. It's possible that Hannibal, before the battle of Cannae, drew lines and placed stones on a board to explain his intended strategy for that battle.

Chess is a game played between two opponents, represented as White and Black.Each player receives 16 men, all of the same colour.

Eight of each group are called pawns; the other eight are called pieces. At the startof each chess game, each player places his sixteen men on the board in a specific order.

The eight pieces are the King, Queen, two Castles (or Rooks), two Bishops-depicted by a Bishops miter and two knights (Horses). The eight Pawns are representing 8 small men.

Chessboard Position
Chess Games Glossary

In the initial chess position, the Rook in White's left hand corner is called Queens Rook=QR.

The one in Whites right hand corner, Kings Rook=KR.Additionally, Queens Knight=QKt, Kings Knight=KKt. Queens Bishop=QB, Kings Bishop=KB, Queen=Q and King=K.

The pawns are named after the pieces behind them. The Kings Pawn KP, is the one in front of the K, etc.

The White army is classified into the Queens side or the left wing, and the Kings side or the right wing.

The Black army is classified in the same way; the Black Q is placed opposite the White Q, the Black K opposite the White K. The Black QR opposite the White QR, etc. But Blacks left wing is opposite Whites right wing. Therefore, Blacks left wing is his Kings side.

The square in the bottom right hand corner of the chessboard is always a white one.

The Q stands on a square of her own colour, the White Q on a white square, the Black Q on a black one, when the pieces are placed on the board for game play.

Chess Board Vector 149602

The Initial Position of the 32 Men on the Board.

Position Rules
Chess Games Glossary

008 Strategy

During the course of the chess game, the players change the position of their pieces according to established rules. Chess players move a man from its square to another square. No two men are ever allowed to stand on the same square.

Whenever a man is moved to a square occupied by a hostile man the hostile piece is captured and removed from the board. The players move alternately and White makes the first move.

As discussed, each army consists of sixteen different men; King, Queen, Castle or Rook (2 pieces), Bishop (2 pieces), Knight (2 pieces), Pawn (8 pieces).

Chess Glossary

Chess Games Terms A

Advanced Pawn
on the opposing player's side of the chessboard. An advanced pawn may be fragile if is overextended or difficult to defend.
can be either short or long term as with a mating attack.

Chess Games Terms B

Back Rank
chess pieces in opening array, player's first rank.
Back Rank Mate
checkmate by a rook or queen as the king is in a blocked position.
Backward Pawn
stationed behind like-colored pawns, cannot advance without support of another pawn.
Bishops On Opposite Colors
occurs when each side has only bishops remaining on light and dark squares respectively.
Bishop Pair
occurs when 2 bishops are positioned on opposite colors. Perceived to be an advantage over two knights or a knight and a bishop.
chess strategy of positioning a minor piece in front of an enemy pawn, thus gaining shelter from an attack.
occurs when a pawn advance or capture opens up a blocked position.
a sacrifice that results in the ruin of a robust defense.

Chess Terms C

to eliminate the opposing player's piece/pawn by using your chess pieces.
once in every game, the King has the option of moving two steps. This is done in the move called Castling and is performed in combination with either of the Rooks. It is performed in this way: ght to the square next to the King on the side farthest from the corner from which it was moved.The player cannot castle, if either the King or Rook has been previously moved or if the King passes over or rests on a square commanded by an opponent's piece, or if the King is in check.
has 64 checkerboard squares (8 rows x 8 columns) displayed in alternating light and dark colors.
Check and Checkmate
The King always remains on the board and cannot be taken like the other pieces. When he is attacked by a piece or pawn, he is said to be in “check”, a position of which the player receives warning by his opponent saying check!Under such circumstances, he must do one of three things:
  1. He must move out of check, put one of his pieces in the way or take the piece that attacks him.
  2. In taking a piece, the King must move onto the opponents square, as all other pieces must do, to take the opponent.
  3. If the King can do neither of these things, he is said to be checkmated, and he has lost the game.

Types of check

  • Simple Check: when the King is attacked by a single piece or pawn.
  • Discovered Check: when, by removing a piece or pawn in front of a checking piece, an attacker is opened or discovered and puts the King in check.
  • Double Check: occurs when the adverse King is attacked by two pieces at once at the same time. The double check occurs in consequence of a discovered check.
  • Perpetual Check: occurs when the opposing forces can occupy such a position as allows the adverse King no escape from one attack without rendering liable to another.This may occur when the King is attacked by one or more pieces; and if the player insists on repeating the check, the game is ended by being drawn.
Connected Passed Pawns
pawns passed on adjacent files.
Connected Rooks
occurs when 2 rooks of the same rank/color are positioned with no pieces between them.
player move from a defensive position.
to either control a square or protect a chess piece.
having limited movement.
a check in answer to a player's check.

Chess Terms D

strategy to tempt an opposing player's chess piece to an undesirablesquare.
line-up of like colored squares that are adjacent where a queen or bishop can move.
Discovered Attack
by a queen, rook or bishop. Occurs when another chess piece or pawn moves out of its way.
Double Attack
occurs in one move, sometimes by the same chess piece.
Double Pawn
when two of your pawns stand on the same file, the front one is called a double pawn.
Drawn Game
if neither player can checkmate his opponent, the result is a drawn game. There are several situations of a drawn game by stalemate, by perpetual check, or when both parties persist in acting on the defensive. Also, when the forces on each side are equal or nearly so. For example, Queen against Queen, with no effective resolution. Or when the attacking person is unable to checkmate in fifty moves.

Chess Strategy Games Terms E - F

En Passant
is when a pawn has advanced to the fifth square, and the opposite player pushes a pawn two squares forward as his first move, the other pawn has the privilege of capturing him in passing. In other words, the pawn that has passed over the square guarded by the advancing pawn is liable to be captured just as if it has moved only one square. Or it may be allowed to remain, at the option of the other player. A pawn is the only piece that can use this move.
En Prise
a piece attacked by another is said to be en prise or in danger of being taken.
Escape Square
available square that avoids an attack.
Flank or the Wing
refers to the queenside or kingside.
Forced Move
when a player can only make one single move.
loss of the game due to running out the clock or absence.
placement strategy preventing the opposing player from penetration

Chess Strategy Games Terms G - I

Gambit Move
is a term derived from the Italian used when a piece or pawn is purposely abandoned by the player who has the first move. There are various kinds of Gambits, like the Kings Gambit. The pawn sacrificed is called the Gambit Pawn.
next to World Champion, the highest title/goal for a chess player.
Heavy Piece/Major Piece
rook or queen.
to bring a piece between your King, when in check, and the attacking piece. Additionally, this term is used when you cover your opponents attack on any other piece with one of your own.
Isolated Pawn
a pawn standing alone without the protection of another pawn or piece.

Chess Strategy Games Terms J - L

term used when a player touches a piece or pawn without the intention of moving it. It means, 'I adjust or replace.'
move by pawn to attack an opponent's piece with the goal of forcing a move.
beginning lineup of game where kings are at side of the board.
opening for a bishop, rook or queen to control squares by a move.

Chess Strategy Games Terms M

term used for a chess piece other than a pawn.
abbreviation for checkmate.
Mating Attack
goal is to checkmate the opponent's king.
Minor Exchange
a bishop in exchange for a knight.
Minor Pieces
the Bishop or Knight.

Chess Strategy Games Terms P

Passed Pawn
is when a pawn has advanced to the opposite edge or square of the chessboard and can then be exchanged for all other pieces, except a King.
Passive or Inactive Piece
moves/controls only limited number of squares.
to be in the position of exposing a high value piece by moving another chess piece.
Poisoned Pawn
so named because this unprotected chess piece, if captured, could result in the loss of the game.
pawn advancement resulting in a bishop, rook, knight or queen conversion.
Protected Passed Pawn
occurs when this piece is support by a second pawn.
pawn moved forward.

Chess Strategy Games Terms Q - R

Queening a Pawn
is when a passed pawn is usually exchanged for a Queen.
beginning lineup of game where queens are at side of the board.
Quiet Move
neither attacks or captures an opponent's chess piece.
Rank and File
as the pieces stand on the board at the start of the game. They are in two ranks, the horizontal rows of squares are called Ranks, and the vertical squares Files.
lose the game or ‘throw in the towel.'
Royal Fork
between king and queen.

Chess Strategy Games Terms S

attack on a high value piece forcing a move to escape capture, thereby providing an opening to a lesser piece that may be taken.
Smothered Mate
a term employed when the King is surrounded by his own men and he cannot escape the attack of the adverse Knight.
number of squares controlled by a player. The player with the most squares is defined as possessing a spatial advantage.
position of the King in which, though not in check, he cannot move without going into check. Stalemate is a drawn game. However, that stalemate is not affected while the player attacked has any other piece or pawn to move in a chess game.

Chess Strategy Games Terms T - Z

Top board
player chosen to go up against the best opposing player.
Touched Piece Rule
occurs when a player touches a piece and in turn must move that specific chess piece. Also, should a player touch an opponent's piece, he/she is required to capture it if possible.
Trap or Swindle
the act of luring an opponent to play a losing move.
Weak Square
is not easily defended by an attack.
Winning the Exchange
when you take a Queen for a Rook, etc.